VEZHA Gun Detection - the 20th solution from IncoreSoft Scientific research proves that firearms and cold weapons are the main ones for committing such serious crimes as robberies and mass murders. Because of these types of violence, thousands of people ar... Analytics VEZHA Gun Detection 25 жовт. 2022 р.
How the World Pandemic has Changed Facial Recognition Analytics For millions of people worldwide, the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the perception of the world around them. The virus became a threat that could neither be seen nor controlled. Hope was given by medi... Analytics Face Recognition News 7 жовт. 2022 р.
Hard Hat Detection - Enterprise Safety VEZHA® Hard Hat Detection video analytics system, using artificial intelligence and neural networks, takes over — accurately identifies safety violators and instantly reports it. We present to your at... Analytics Hard Hat Industry Solution 15 вер. 2022 р.
Trends in the World of Video Analytics At the beginning of 2022, more than 1 billion CCTV cameras were installed in the world. Can you imagine how much content they produce? Its analysis is done by a special software. And according to the ... News 1 вер. 2022 р.
Революційна розробка з оптимізації За останні роки кількість відеоданих, які необхідно обробляти, наприклад, Дата центрам міст, збільшилася в геометричній прогресії. У зв'язку з необхідністю аналізу великих обсягів інформації питання о... Development News 28 лип. 2022 р.
In Great Demand Vezha Face Recognition & Milestone Xprotect VEZHA Face Recognition plugin, integrated with Milestone XProtect, both solutions with significant advantages, ease of implementation and wide application of capabilities. Facial recognition is now th... Face Recognition Integration Milestone Plugins 21 лип. 2022 р.