How Video Analytics Can Enhance Security for Industrial Sites in Mexico In today's fast-paced industrial sector, security, efficiency, and safety are key priorities for managing large-scale operations such as manufacturing plants, refineries, and warehouses. Mexico's indu... Analytics Hard Hat Industry News Solution 10 oct. 2024
Perspectives transformatrices : la vision du PDG Oleg Syvyniuk pour IncoreSoft Nous sommes ravis de partager les perspectives de notre PDG, Oleg Syvyniuk, après sa récente conversation éclairante avec une publication de premier plan, Computer Review UA. L'interview approfondie d... CEO News 9 janv. 2024
How the World Pandemic has Changed Facial Recognition Analytics For millions of people worldwide, the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the perception of the world around them. The virus became a threat that could neither be seen nor controlled. Hope was given by medi... Analytics Face Recognition News 7 oct. 2022 Voyager
Trends in the World of Video Analytics At the beginning of 2022, more than 1 billion CCTV cameras were installed in the world. Can you imagine how much content they produce? Its analysis is done by a special software. And according to the ... News 1 sept. 2022
Revolutionary optimization In recent years, the number of video data that needs to be processed, has increased exponentially. Due to the need to analyze large amounts of information, the issue of optimizing the performance of s... Development News 28 juil. 2022